Thursday, 22 September 2011

new beginning...

have u ever fall so hard in your life..
until it takes months for u to recover back..?
oh yes..
i had...
yela kan...
sometimes there is turning point in our life...
bab kata pepatah tu...
yg for sure korg sume mesti familiar kan...
hidup ini ibarat roda..
sekejap kt atas sekejap kt bawah..
ni bukan roda impian tao..
sayee putarr halimmm...
bukan cm2..
ni roda kehidupan..
klo roda impian 2, at least dpt la duit klo dok kt bwh kn...
klo roda kehidupan ni..
smtimes sengsara la cket time dok bwh 2..
so ape cabaran hidup yg  plg susah yg korg hadapi..?
kematian ke..?putus cinta ke..?fail exam ke..?x dpt keje ke..?xd duit ke..?
for me, pernah la i xperienced the hardest thing in my life yg sgt susah ntuk dterima..(hardest lagi, susah lagi..mmg kes berat nih..:))
it took months for me 2 forget it tao..
tp xp..
just remember this...
u are not alone..
korg ad Allah tmpt ntuk mengadu..
anytime anywhere korg le mengadu..
i/Allah korg akan lega after 2..
besides, u've got ur family rite..
yela ad org malu nk mengadu kt family mslh korg...
tp instead of mengadu mslh, 
korg boleh jadikan dorg tmpt untuk distract korg drpd mslh tersebut..
be with them always..
then u will slowly frget the problem..
u've got ur frens..
some ppl prefer to tell everything to their friends rather that their family...
me too actually..
so after share everything with ur frens..
even they do not help a lot..
still can make u feel better rite..
so dont hesitate to tell frens ur problems...
seksa tao tanggung mslh sorg2...
skang kan da canggih..
u've got fb,twitter,blog,tumblr..
pe2 lagi lah social network yg korg ade...
dunia tanpe sempadan kanz..
so luah j everything there...
tp dont go overboard lak..
pg bgtao nde yg x patot..
nti diri binasa..
pndai2 la kan..
smtimes luah pe yg kte rse kt social networks ni very helpful..
even xd org yg respond..
tp still rse lega..
cz kte da luahkan mslh kter out loud..
rse kurang cket bebanan giteww..
so for me..
i already went through the hardest part of my life..
i wasted months crying over something i shouldnt..
i kinda feel sorry to myself..
but we can never turn back the time rite..
at least i wake up..finally...
n my mistakes were i didnt share my problems with anyone..
dats y it took me a long time to get up on my own feet...
im getting better..
hope this little tips will help you to get back into ur life after u're falling down...
just remember..
u are not alone...

nitey espresso lovers...
lotsa love from hazel...xoxo