welcome to my new page!!
cewahh padahal x pemes pn kan..
cbuk nk welcome2 lak..
for anyone yg terserempak blog ni time ngah2 jln 2,
feel free to read my story..
nothing special though..
just wanna keep a journal to myself..
why..?tell me whyyy....?(ilek2 jgn emo der..:))
1st because im a short term memory person..
susah tao jadik this kind of person..
u tend to forget things easily..
sedeyh ble byk nde yg da lupe..
if dpt ingt memory2 dulu..
msti t'gelak sorg2..
klo boleh nk ingt yg happy2 j..
cz life is too short to be anything but happy rite..?
no reason to waste ur tears..
ape lam cter 3 idiots 2 cakap..
live ur life to a present..
ha cm2 la lbih kurang..
that line doesn't mean u cant think abt ur future..
just nk highlight we have to appreciate every single minute of our life...
ur life so meaningful u know..
so so 2nd reason is..
i penatlah u olls nk tulis diary..
asik lupe je ltak buku ktne..
nk carik pen lagi..
asah pencil lg..
kne cuci gmba lagi..
klo ad blog senang..
buku xyh gune..
pen xyh carik..
gmba xyh cuci..
blog x hilang..(unless korg lupe password..ehe)..
buku hilang..
pas2 smtimes ad la makhluk2 yg suke g bce diary org..
uish x tao ke mksud privacy 2 hape hah..?(emo lak ak..tehee)
uish x tao ke mksud privacy 2 hape hah..?(emo lak ak..tehee)
wt blog x ramai yg kte knal bace kn..(if kte x commercialize blog sdrik la kanz)
depends on individual..
depends on individual..
lorh its getting late now...
may i xcuse myself..
got a cv to be done..
btw forgot to tell u my identity..
im a third year student of pharmacy..
22 yrs old to be exact..
even umor 22, ppl still thinks im 15..
lucky me..
awet mude la katekan...:)
nti la..
over the time, u'll get to know me better..
chow espresso lovers...xoxo
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