Friday, 23 September 2011

girls day out to tutti frutti & xperience 5D..

hey espresso lovers..
watcha doin' rite now bebeh..
havent slept yet..?

wow it's weekend!
yesterday is friday..
reminding me of Rebecca Black..
dont u readers.?:p

oke stop merepek..
lets get to the point...
td me & my girls went to tutti frutti..
oh wait..
ktorg study Kuantan..
for kuantan people, tutti frutti ni bru bukak tao..
mybe time ktorg sem break ri2 kot..
so ktorg pn pe lagi..
scholar pn da masuk..
jom b'tutti frutti..
o yeah..:)
 fyi for students, ad 10% discount..
jgn lupe tao ad discount..
jgn cm ktorg..
xcited sgt smpi lupe nk hulur matrix card..
kn rugi 2..x gitewww...?:p
so here are we!

then, after that..
we went to megamall...
kt sane ad 5D which is first 5D in malaysia..
first 5D oke..
so ktorg antara yg terawal la xperienced kanz..(gedix la ko nyah, nk brag lak..tehee)
ha msti korg eager nk tao cane kan..
meh nk cter..
5D ni effect dy lagi hebat la dri 3D..
for sure la kanz..
1,2,3,4,5 byk tuh..
depend on situation ape korg pilih..
td yg ak ingt ad real roller coaster, hell monster, tsunami and the others 6 x ingt..
b'cz of sekali masuk 4 org j..
ktorg 6 org...
so kne pecah into 2 groups..
ak, nadiah n fiza amek roller coaster..
ckin, nabila n mira amek monster in prehistory..
dduk lam 2 selame 7 mins..
lam 2 nti kusi dye gerak2 , c ap kne simbah air betol2 kite ad kt tempat 2..
cm real la..
tp for me yg roller coaster x best sgt cz x challenging sgt..
tp yg monster in prehistory 2 my frens ckp best..
klo nk effect lagi best, kne amek tsunami..
tp rsu kne air byk..x prepare x amek la yg tsunami 2..
so price lak cane eh...(mesti korg t'tye2 gk hrgenye kan)ehe..
hrge beza2..start rm 7 to rm 18..
lagi mahal lagi best..ktorg amek yg rm 15..
x rugi..mst try oke!!
for those yg blur..
moh nk tnjuk gmba kt lam sane..

 this how it looks like from org kt lua le tgok cane korg jerit ke pengsan ke kt dalam 2..ehe

 uish dak ni pn ad jugak..:)

wow its getting late..
chow espresso lovers..
selamat malam dari hazel..xoxo