Thursday, 1 December 2011

i cant control myself..

i still cant control myself in term of in term of...nahhh i wont tell ya..ha ha...the only way..the best way to do is keep myself away from it...shuh shuh..:)

Monday, 28 November 2011

this is how i'll dress my little son in few years later..wee:)

p/s : few years 5-6 years perhaps...long way to go u know..:)

this is what we call leafing through the pages...:)

Sunday, 27 November 2011

football fever...

oh yes..!!!its me now who go crazy abt football...its weird can a girl who knows nothing abt football at 1st place now going crazy abt all football things...erm everything started bile harimau malaya da semakin menyerlah...ak pn bru start follow football lam sebulan ni...cyes best!the latest game i watched is msia vs bahrain...the best game i watched is msia vs indonesia in sea games...pergh..da la tgok kt kdai makan.even x knal each other...feels like home...feels like we're family..ktorg sorak ramai2..nyanyi lagu negaraku ramai2..happening sgt...da la menang!terimas harimau muda...mmmuaxx!:)...the game i wathced live lak yg msia vs syria...oke cyes..tgok kt stdium spirit dy lagi berkobar2 penyokong mlysia esp ultras sgt sgt sgt la semangat...i was amazed with their spirit...hidup harimau malaya!no matter what happens,we will always with u guys..

p/s : ultras is malaysia's supporters team..

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

irrational act...

pardon my foolish behavior...

Sunday, 6 November 2011

and now i can breathe again..dream again..i'll be on the road again...


dedicated to my future mr. sunshine..:)

just like what me feel at this moment...

year III sem break..

gonna have a week sem break including eid' adha break.but me didnt come back hometown..just stay at uncle's and sis's at kerteh & paka...then gonna spend the rest of holiday in Perlis.,..cant wait to go there...gonna be my first time..will going back hometown any soon...miss you mom!:)

Saturday, 5 November 2011

its not about how old a song is...:)

Saturday, 8 October 2011

rise up sunshine!:)

get up early n let's begin our day with full of hope...yezzza!:D

Sunday, 2 October 2011

road trip to KL...

hi was ur weekend dear..?was that as good & happening like mine..:)..hope u really enjoyed ur aku, fiza, nadiah n mira buat road trip ke kl...knape sane ye destinasi ktorg..??1 j sebab yg munasabah sebenarnye..sebab yg mmg kukuh knape ke sane..x len x bukan sbb ak mengidam nk mkn kt seoul garden....wah steamboat2..droooooling....ehe..seoul garden ni as far as im concern, ad kt kl ngn penang j..klo penang jauh kl lah..le shopping shoppping shopping..yes!itu membuktikan ak perempuan yang sebenar!lol!:p...hari sabtu ktorg ad kelas skills..ak amek swimming pagi 2 kne lah melawat swimming pool dulu..after that lam kol 11 bru b'tolak ke KL...ak drive halfway j..the rest fiza drive..masuk KL mira lak yg drive..dy xpert cket selok belok berliku kehidupan KL 2...ak selame ni g ngn bas j, xpn kaum kerabat ak yg sgt lah x xpert kt sane...smpi2 2 terus anta fiza ke kajang, kt umah dy..nseb gk family fiza dgn bek hati mmbernarkan ktorg meronggeng ngn kete fiza...pas drop fiza, terus la ktorg gamble balik gombak n otw pg sane ktorg ingt nk singgah mne2 mall yg ktorg t'pandang t'lihat n t'tgok...oh yes!d sane ad mid valley..da lme x pg la lawat 4 jam kjap eh...:p..da lme xg sane kan..guesss what..???ak terjumpe tmpt nk men laser tag...alaaaaa yg fav game Barney lam himym like like...nk bdn da sakit2 akibat men badminton cm org x pernah jmpe court terkubur lah ke excitedkan ak d c2...(lorh prosak bhse tol!) so so..after da cuci2 mate..ktorg pn mengorak langkah ke next destination...dlu time kt s.alam selalu mkn pak li lagi...mengidam lah nk mkn nasik ayam lemon...dgn perut g kosong berdendang lagu i gotta move like jagger...uwouwouwo...ktorg pg uptown danau kota...fuhhhh bes siot pekena nasik ayam lemon ngn ipoh white coffee...pas mkn jam menunjukkkan angka 12...balikkk jgn x balik...kang x pasai kne mkn d vampire (pengaruh vampire diaries..ehe)...jadi ktog pn baliklah umah akak nadiah kt gombak..tdo tdo tdo dan rehat...perjalanan ntuk sesat esok hari masih jauuuh...kne la dpt rehat yg cukup nitey espressooo...our 2nd part of this trip will be continued...oh wait!what should i call this trip ye...oke just name it 'seoul trip' cz seoul was our main destination in this road trip...adiosss...

p/s : perfections never make me laugh & smile but imperfections do!:)

Thursday, 29 September 2011

today was his last day...

there is something special about u...something that make me want to respect u more...something that make me admire u more..u make everything looks easy...u make me love in whatever im doing...u make me think everything...that is so special about u...n sadly today was ur last class with so gonna miss u..:)..

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

things i wanna change about myself..

hye espresso lovers...emm mssti korg ngah tdo kan..ingt nk berkarya di sini mlm tenet lak x dpt..sedeyh tao klo gune wireless u..x cukup bajet la nk beli berukband..ehe..em em em..entry kali ni about what u wanna change about urself..yela ramai org ckp, x perlu ubah diri sdri..yg penting the other one 2 le terime korang seadanye..oke,ni maybe applicable untuk org couple x kesah la couple ke x couple ke,kite kan hidup bermasyarakat..kne la being considerate cket..x gitoooo..??:)..contohnye..contohnye..em x t'pk lak pe yg penting..there are a few things a wanna change...1st..sye nk jadik penyabar..tanak cpt melenting cm dulu lagi..second, sye tanak jadik selfish..think abt others in whatever u doing..third, tanak jadik sm1 yg cepat mengalebah..which think twice before u're doing anything..forth..jgn kalut..ehe..ak ni klo alut, mmg x jadik keje la..sume mende x kne la slow2 wt keje..erm so far 2 j la..slow2 la beb..xkn nk buat perubahan mendadak mybe pe yg ak nk brubah ni, a lil bit too late.klo x..klo x..erm tanak la cter..k got class to attend..adiozzz...

They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.

Friday, 23 September 2011

girls day out to tutti frutti & xperience 5D..

hey espresso lovers..
watcha doin' rite now bebeh..
havent slept yet..?

wow it's weekend!
yesterday is friday..
reminding me of Rebecca Black..
dont u readers.?:p

oke stop merepek..
lets get to the point...
td me & my girls went to tutti frutti..
oh wait..
ktorg study Kuantan..
for kuantan people, tutti frutti ni bru bukak tao..
mybe time ktorg sem break ri2 kot..
so ktorg pn pe lagi..
scholar pn da masuk..
jom b'tutti frutti..
o yeah..:)
 fyi for students, ad 10% discount..
jgn lupe tao ad discount..
jgn cm ktorg..
xcited sgt smpi lupe nk hulur matrix card..
kn rugi 2..x gitewww...?:p
so here are we!

then, after that..
we went to megamall...
kt sane ad 5D which is first 5D in malaysia..
first 5D oke..
so ktorg antara yg terawal la xperienced kanz..(gedix la ko nyah, nk brag lak..tehee)
ha msti korg eager nk tao cane kan..
meh nk cter..
5D ni effect dy lagi hebat la dri 3D..
for sure la kanz..
1,2,3,4,5 byk tuh..
depend on situation ape korg pilih..
td yg ak ingt ad real roller coaster, hell monster, tsunami and the others 6 x ingt..
b'cz of sekali masuk 4 org j..
ktorg 6 org...
so kne pecah into 2 groups..
ak, nadiah n fiza amek roller coaster..
ckin, nabila n mira amek monster in prehistory..
dduk lam 2 selame 7 mins..
lam 2 nti kusi dye gerak2 , c ap kne simbah air betol2 kite ad kt tempat 2..
cm real la..
tp for me yg roller coaster x best sgt cz x challenging sgt..
tp yg monster in prehistory 2 my frens ckp best..
klo nk effect lagi best, kne amek tsunami..
tp rsu kne air byk..x prepare x amek la yg tsunami 2..
so price lak cane eh...(mesti korg t'tye2 gk hrgenye kan)ehe..
hrge beza2..start rm 7 to rm 18..
lagi mahal lagi best..ktorg amek yg rm 15..
x rugi..mst try oke!!
for those yg blur..
moh nk tnjuk gmba kt lam sane..

 this how it looks like from org kt lua le tgok cane korg jerit ke pengsan ke kt dalam 2..ehe

 uish dak ni pn ad jugak..:)

wow its getting late..
chow espresso lovers..
selamat malam dari hazel..xoxo

note to myself...

Never cry for the person who hurts you. Just smile and say "thanks for giving me a chance to find someone better than you"..
Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live...

The past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited, or erased. It can only be accepted..

Behind every sweet smile there is a bitter sadness that no one can ever see and feel..

it hurts the worst when the person that made you feel so special yesterday, makes you feel so unwanted today..

You don't really need someone to complete you. You only need someone to accept you completely.

Don’t sit around and try to change your past, when you have your entire future to look forward to.

I don’t know where we went wrong or why we grew apart, but you should know I miss you and I still love you with all my heart.

I want to love someone whose heart has been broken, so that he knows exactly how it feels and won't break mine.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

new beginning...

have u ever fall so hard in your life..
until it takes months for u to recover back..?
oh yes..
i had...
yela kan...
sometimes there is turning point in our life...
bab kata pepatah tu...
yg for sure korg sume mesti familiar kan...
hidup ini ibarat roda..
sekejap kt atas sekejap kt bawah..
ni bukan roda impian tao..
sayee putarr halimmm...
bukan cm2..
ni roda kehidupan..
klo roda impian 2, at least dpt la duit klo dok kt bwh kn...
klo roda kehidupan ni..
smtimes sengsara la cket time dok bwh 2..
so ape cabaran hidup yg  plg susah yg korg hadapi..?
kematian ke..?putus cinta ke..?fail exam ke..?x dpt keje ke..?xd duit ke..?
for me, pernah la i xperienced the hardest thing in my life yg sgt susah ntuk dterima..(hardest lagi, susah lagi..mmg kes berat nih..:))
it took months for me 2 forget it tao..
tp xp..
just remember this...
u are not alone..
korg ad Allah tmpt ntuk mengadu..
anytime anywhere korg le mengadu..
i/Allah korg akan lega after 2..
besides, u've got ur family rite..
yela ad org malu nk mengadu kt family mslh korg...
tp instead of mengadu mslh, 
korg boleh jadikan dorg tmpt untuk distract korg drpd mslh tersebut..
be with them always..
then u will slowly frget the problem..
u've got ur frens..
some ppl prefer to tell everything to their friends rather that their family...
me too actually..
so after share everything with ur frens..
even they do not help a lot..
still can make u feel better rite..
so dont hesitate to tell frens ur problems...
seksa tao tanggung mslh sorg2...
skang kan da canggih..
u've got fb,twitter,blog,tumblr..
pe2 lagi lah social network yg korg ade...
dunia tanpe sempadan kanz..
so luah j everything there...
tp dont go overboard lak..
pg bgtao nde yg x patot..
nti diri binasa..
pndai2 la kan..
smtimes luah pe yg kte rse kt social networks ni very helpful..
even xd org yg respond..
tp still rse lega..
cz kte da luahkan mslh kter out loud..
rse kurang cket bebanan giteww..
so for me..
i already went through the hardest part of my life..
i wasted months crying over something i shouldnt..
i kinda feel sorry to myself..
but we can never turn back the time rite..
at least i wake up..finally...
n my mistakes were i didnt share my problems with anyone..
dats y it took me a long time to get up on my own feet...
im getting better..
hope this little tips will help you to get back into ur life after u're falling down...
just remember..
u are not alone...

nitey espresso lovers...
lotsa love from hazel...xoxo

and the story begins..

welcome to my new page!!
cewahh padahal x pemes pn kan..
cbuk nk welcome2 lak..

for anyone yg terserempak blog ni time ngah2 jln 2,
feel free to read my story..
nothing special though..
just wanna keep a journal to myself..
why..?tell me whyyy....?(ilek2 jgn emo der..:))
1st because im a short term memory person..
susah tao jadik this kind of person..
u tend to forget things easily..
sedeyh ble byk nde yg da lupe..
if dpt ingt memory2 dulu..
msti t'gelak sorg2..
klo boleh nk ingt yg happy2 j..
cz life is too short to be anything but happy rite..?
no reason to waste ur tears..
ape lam cter 3 idiots 2 cakap..
live ur life to a present..
ha cm2 la lbih kurang..
that line doesn't mean u cant think abt ur future..
just nk highlight we have to appreciate every single minute of our life...
ur life so meaningful u know..

so so 2nd reason is..
i penatlah u olls nk tulis diary..
asik lupe je ltak buku ktne..
nk carik pen lagi..
asah pencil lg..
kne cuci gmba lagi..
klo ad blog senang..
buku xyh gune..
pen xyh carik..
gmba xyh cuci..
blog x hilang..(unless korg lupe password..ehe)..
buku hilang..
pas2 smtimes ad la makhluk2 yg suke g bce diary org..
uish x tao ke mksud privacy 2 hape hah..?(emo lak ak..tehee)
wt blog x ramai yg kte knal bace kn..(if kte x commercialize blog sdrik la kanz)
depends on individual..

lorh its getting late now...
may i xcuse myself..
got a cv to be done..
btw forgot to tell u my identity..
im a third year student of pharmacy..
22 yrs old to be exact..
even umor 22, ppl still thinks im 15..
lucky me..
awet mude la katekan...:)
nti la..
over the time, u'll get to know me better..
chow espresso lovers...xoxo